Rental forms and notices
There are a number of notices designed to help the landlord, property manager and tenant/s manage their rental property.
Property condition reports
Property condition reports are a requirement when renting a home. They show what the property looks like at the beginning and end of the rental period.
Using rental notices
Proper procedures must be observed when serving a notice. If the matter ends up in court, the person who prepared the notice would have to prove the notice was…
Counting days
If you are serving a notice or issuing documentation (eg property condition reports), you will find certain periods of notice are required for certain actions.
Renting tools and checklist
As a lessor/landlord or tenant you will need to know your rights and responsibilities. The following publications and forms provide you with all the…
Common renting terms
Assign the premises: To transfer rights to occupy the premises and associated responsibilities to another person.
Choosing a property manager
Remember, you don’t have to use an agent for everything. Some decide to pay a ‘letting fee’ and only use their agent to find a tenant and deal with the bond,…
Using a property manager
Property managers who offer their services for a fee must be registered real estate sales representatives working for a licensed real estate agent who is in…
Tenancy databases
Tenancy databases may be used by lessors (landlords) or real estate agents as a way of screening people who have applied to rent a property. They are commonly…
Managing a property yourself
Once you have decided to rent out a property, one of the first decisions you will need to make is whether to do all the property management yourself or employ…
Add or remove a tenant from a database
A person can only be listed on a residential tenancy database if: