Debt collector complaints

Last updated: 21 November 2024

When the debt relates to the provision of a financial service e.g. debts relating to credit card accounts, loans, finance provided by a finance company or fees for the provision of financial advice, the ASIC is responsible for dealing with misconduct associated with debt collection activity.

When the debt does not relate to the provision of a financial service, for example it is for the provision of telephone or other utility services, or for the services of trades and professional people, the ACCC is responsible for dealing with misconduct associated with debt collection activity.

For information on the different roles played by ASIC and the ACCC in relation to debt collection activity, refer to the brochure entitled: Complaints about debt collection - the responsibilities of Commonwealth agencies.

In addition to ASIC and the ACCC, you can also lodge a complaint about debt collection conduct with Consumer Protection or an industry dispute resolution scheme, e.g. the Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman or the telecommunications Industry Ombudsman if the business undertaking the debt collection is a member of the scheme. 
