Use this checklist to help ensure you meet your obligations when you dispose of belongings the tenant(s) has left behind at the end of a residential tenancy or a residential parks long-stay tenancy.
More information is available online via our Abandoned goods at a rental property or park home page.
- Termination date of tenancy.
- You can dispose of rubbish two days after the tenancy has ended.
- Have you attempted to contact the tenant(s) to collect their belongings? NOTE: You should make reasonable attempts to contact the tenant or identify who is authorised to deal with the tenant’s belongings and contact them before you take any action to dispose of the goods.
- Have pets been left at the property? If yes, you should contact a local animal shelter to remove the pet(s).
- Are there any firearms or illegal drug paraphernalia left at the property? If yes, contact WA Police (WAPol) to report the items and discuss their handover.
- Do any of the goods left at the property belong to a third party such as a hire company? If yes, contact the third party to organise the collection of their goods.
- Are there any personal documents, including digital devices, left at the property? If yes, you must store and retain these documents/devices for a period of at least 60 days. See our Abandoned goods page for more information.
- Are there any credit cards or money left at the property? If yes, report and provide them to the WAPol.
- Are there any vehicles (for example cars, boats, trailers or caravans) left at the property? If yes:
- Contact WAPol to check if the vehicle is stolen.
- Check if they are licensed via the Department of Transport website.
- Check the Personal Property Securities Register for any registered security interest in the vehicle or if it has been written off.
More information is available within the Items requiring special consideration section of our Abandoned goods page.
- Are there any caravans left in a caravan or residential park? If yes, follow the handling processes within the Caravans abandoned in a caravan or residential park section.
- Are there any goods of value left at the property that will need to be stored for 60 days? NOTE: In making this decision it may help to obtain an estimate of the value from a reputable second hand dealer and a quote for the removal and storage of the goods and any auction costs.
It may assist you to retain copies of any correspondence about the goods, to make an itemised list of the goods, and to take clear photographs of the goods prior to removal from the rental property.
Remember: A tenant can make an application to the Magistrates Court of Western Australia or the State Administrative Tribunal for compensation for disposed goods.