Administrative change for drainage plumbing diagrams: Real estate bulletin issue 115 (June 2016)

Last updated: 20 June 2016

17 June 2016

Service moving to Building Commission 1 July

The Water Corporation currently provides a service whereby real estate agents and other interested persons can request a copy of an existing drainage plumbing diagram. The administration of drainage plumbing diagrams will transfer from the Water Corporation to the Plumbers Licensing Board as of 1 July 2016.

Commonly referred to as an 'as constructed' diagram or flimsies, a drainage plumbing diagram is a diagrammatic representation of a property’s drainage plumbing work. Being able to determine the layout of drainage plumbing can be useful in a number of scenarios, including:

  • Identifying where additional connections to existing drainage plumbing may be made.
  • Ensuring new buildings or extensions do not interfere with existing drainage plumbing.
  • Ensuring any excavations works do not disturb the drainage plumbing.

Real estate agents may wish to notify affected clients of this change in administration.

The Building Commission, which provides administrative support to the Plumbers Licensing Board, will create a new webpage to enable stakeholders to request drainage plumbing diagrams. 

The Water Corporation currently charges $17.05 to issue a drainage plumbing diagram. The Building Commission is looking at alternative costing models to reduce this charge.

Further information on the Plumbing Review is available on the Building Commission’s website.  If you have any queries in relation to the administrative transfer, please contact the Building Commission on 1300 48 90 99.