Agency Commissioning Plan - Community Services

Last updated: 18 November 2024


Section 1: Strategic plan for commissioning community services

Section 2: Commissioning enablers

Section 3: Prioritising Aboriginal people and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs)

More than one-in-six individuals seeking assistance from TAES providers identified as Aboriginal. On an individual provider basis, this ranged from five per cent to 78 per cent, with the greater percentages being in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Wheatbelt and Mid West/Gascoyne regions.

As part of the design stage for the new contract, a priority will be to enhance engagement with ACCOs in the consultation process. Key government policies such as Closing the Gap National Agreement 2020, Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy and ACCO Strategy are to be considered.

S​ection 4: Budget considerations

Section 5: Additional considerations or concerns