Application for approval of CPD elective activity

Last updated: 20 November 2024

Elective activities must be approved by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection. 

Who needs to apply

Training providers seeking approval for activities to be included as a part of the compulsory professional development program. Trainers are invited to submit professional development activities, which meet the aims and purpose of the CPD program, for approval as elective activities.

What you need to apply

Trainers are requested to complete and submit this Application for Approval of CPD Elective Activity form, together with supporting training material for assessment.

To be considered for approval, activities must be relevant to at least one of the subject areas listed in the Regulations. Training providers information has further information about the learning topics and participant requirements. 

How approvals given

Approvals are only granted until 31 December of each year. Training providers must seek approval for elective activities to be offered during each subsequent year.

Elective activities need to be approved in advance of delivery. Please ensure your application for approval is submitted at least one month before the activity is scheduled to be held to allow sufficient time for processing.

When an activity is approved, it will be listed on the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website. Agents and sales representatives can then choose the elective activities from the list that meet their training needs and provide the elective CPD points required under the program. 

If a submitted activity is not approved as a CPD elective, training providers may request a review of the decision. This request should be made in writing within 14 days after notice of the decision is sent.

How to submit your application

Send the completed form to Consumer Protection by post to Locked Bag 100, EAST PERTH, WA 6892 or by email