Form last updated 23 November 2020
This form is used to apply for a Charitable Collections licence in Western Australia.
- Type directly into this form electronically before printing and signing it or hand print neatly using an ink pen in block letters.
- Tick where appropriate and attach additional pages if space in this form is insufficient.
- Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
- No funds may be solicited or collected for any charitable purpose until a licence is issued.
Charitable purposes requiring a licence
Organisations that wish to collect money or goods from the Western Australian public for charitable purposes must be licenced under the Charitable Collections Act 1946 (the Act).
The purposes for which a licence is required include:
- the relief of the sick, infirm, incurable, poor, destitute, helpless or unemployed people or their dependants;
- the relief of distress caused by war, and the support of people who have been members of the armed forces;
- the support of hospitals, infant health centres, and other activities of a social or welfare character;
- animal welfare, conservation and environmental causes; or
- any benevolent, philanthropic or patriotic purpose.
Who can apply for a licence
Licences are only granted to bodies such as incorporated associations, limited companies or the trustees of a charitable trust. Individuals or unincorporated groups intending to collect money for a charitable purpose will need to make arrangements to fundraise under the authority of an existing licence holder.
Information you will need to provide with form
The application form requests information about the organisation, its charitable purposes and the collection activities it intends to undertake. It will be necessary to provide copies of the organisation’s:
- certificate of incorporation or registration and governing documents (rules/constitution or trust deed). This information is not required for organisation’s incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA);
- latest financial report including an income and expenditure statement and balance sheet (not required for newly registered organisations).
Principal Executive Officers
The application must include the names and contact details for three (3) Principal Executive Officers (PEOs) who have the power to make decisions about the management of the organisation. For example the Chairperson/President, Secretary, Treasurer, Board Director, Trustee, Chief Executive Officer.
If any of the organisation’s PEOs are related, a conflict of interest policy must be provided with the licence application. The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission website includes sample policies and templates that may help organisations develop an appropriate policy.
Reviewer or auditor details
Some licence holders are required to complete a review or audit of the financial reports. This requirement depends onthe organisation’s total annual revenue (the total amount of money received through its activities during a financial year). If the organisation’s annual revenue is, or is expected to be:
- $250,000 or over but less than $1,000,000 it will be necessary to complete a review or audit each year; or
- $1,000,000 or over it will be necessary to complete an audit each year.
These organisations must provide details of their reviewer or auditor as part of the application.
Similarities to existing charitable collectors
Where there are organisations operating in the same field, the Commissioner for Consumer Protection (the Commissioner) must consider whether an existing licence holder would more effectively or economically carry out the proposed activities of an applicant.
If there are any other organisations operating for the same charitable purpose as the applicant, please provide reasons why you cannot work with those charities rather than obtain a separate licence; or details of how your proposed services are different to that currently available. Consultations should be held with similar current licensed charities and support letters obtained from them to confirm those discussions.
Lodging your application
The Charities forms and publications page contains further details on:
- how to lodge this application
- additional Charities forms and
- how to contact us