Button batteries can be a deadly hazard. If swallowed, button batteries can cause internal burns, severe bleeding and even death.

What to do if a battery is swallowed
If you suspect your child has swallowed or inserted a button battery immediately call Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26
If your child is having difficulty breathing contact 000 Once at the hospital, ask for an X-ray.
Items containing button batteries include:
- toys
- TV and car key remotes
- hearing aids
- bathroom scales
- flameless candles
Ways to keep children safe
- Don’t buy products with button batteries or check the battery section is child-proof and held closed with a screw.
- Inspect toys and other items regularly to make sure the button battery compartment is still secure.
- Store batteries out of sight and reach of children.
- Dispose of batteries safely by wrapping them in sticky tape and putting them in a child resistant container, out of reach of children until you can recycle them at your nearest recycle collection point (visit bcycle.com.au). Even old or spent button batteries can be dangerous for kids.
- Tell everyone who cares for children about the dangers of button batteries.