Co-operative form 32 - Application for registration of an alteration of rules

Last updated: 14 August 2024

Should you require assistance with completing this form please contact the Association and Charities Branch on 1300 304 074  (within Australia) or email

Alteration to the rules must be lodged within 28 days after the resolution to alter the rules is passed, or a shorter or longer period prescribed by the regulations. 

What do I need to complete an application

To complete the application the following must accompany this form:

  • two copies of the rules of the co-operative including the alteration(s)
  • a statutory declaration in support of the alteration of the rules signed by the appropriate person (Form 33);
  • any other supporting documents if required
  • complete all of the relevant sections of the application form
  • sign the authorisation / declaration 

Lodging your application

The application fee/s, if applicable, is payable at the time of lodging this application.

The fees and forms page contains further details about:

  • how to lodge your application;
  • relevant fees; and 
  • other co-operatives forms

Lodging your application

The application fee/s, if applicable, is payable at the time of lodging this application.

The fees and forms page contains further details about:

  • how to lodge your application;
  • relevant fees; and 
  • other co-operatives forms