Disposing of uncollected goods

Last updated: 04 December 2023

Publication last updated 21 April 2021

Summary information for the motor vehicle industry.

Many businesses are left holding goods, which customers do not return to collect. These goods often become a nuisance and take up valuable storage space.


The Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970 (the Act) and Disposal of Uncollected Goods Regulations 1971 (the Regulations) set out the procedures that need to be followed to dispose of uncollected goods. The Regulations include the forms you need to use when notifying various people of your intention to dispose of the uncollected goods.

Following these procedures and using the correct forms can save you problems at a later date, particularly if your customers turn up wanting their goods. You should be aware penalties apply for offences against the Act.

Note: It is always possible to reach an agreement with the customer when you accept the goods. This should be in writing and signed by the customer when the good(s) are left. You should seek independent legal advice should you wish to enter into agreements of this nature.

This fact sheet is a general guide only and is not a substitute for the legislation. You should seek expert or legal advice about your particular situation. For more information refer to the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970 and Disposal of Uncollected Goods Regulations 1971 available from Western Australian Legislation on their website: https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/