A guide to auditing trust accounts: Real estate agents, business agents, and settlement agents and business settlement agents

Last updated: 14 August 2024

This guide is intended to help auditors produce high quality reports in the required format.  To make the auditing process easier, templates for the main documents to be lodged with the Commissioner are provided in Appendix B and can be downloaded from the auditors section of the website.  Audit reports based on other formats, will not be accepted.


1 Role as Auditor of Trust Accounts

2 Scope of Audit of Trust Accounts

3 Trust Accounting Requirements

4 Problem Areas Identified by Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection has identified a number of common problem areas in auditors’ reports. Auditors need to be aware of these problem areas to ensure their audit reports meet the requirements of the REBA Act and SA Act and are prepared in accordance with the auditing guidelines. In accordance with section 81 of the REBA Act and section 62 of the SA Act, auditors must report all cases of non-compliance to Consumer Protection.

5 Example of an Audit Checklist

5.1 Part one - General Matters

General matters
Item Checked Checks to be conducted

Licence of the agent

Section 60(1)(a) of the REBA Act and section 26(1) of the SA Act


The agent is licensed and the holder of a current triennial certificate. 

Identify  the  person  in  bona  fide  control (where relevant).

Identify the people who comprise the business.

Identify the branch manager of any branch offices maintained.

Register of files Section 68(6) of the REBA Act, regulation 6H

of the REBA Regulations and section 49(6) of the SA Act and regulation 6F of the SA Regulations


Check that records are properly maintained and can be conveniently and properly audited.

Check that records are being maintained for a minimum of 6 years.

Summary of receipts and disbursements attached to each file

Section 68(6) of the REBA Act and section 49(6) of the SA Act


Check that full and accurate records of receipts and payments are maintained.   A summary of receipts and  disbursements  on  each  file  assists  in  the auditing function.

The agent can also ensure any expenses incurred are recouped.  The balance outstanding on the file summary should reconcile to the amount held in trust for the principal.

Drawing of fees, commission and timing

Section 60 and 61(4) of the REBA Act and section 43 of the SA Act


Check the agent is entitled to receive payment of their commission or fees i.e. they are licenced and validly appointed.

Check the agent is entitled to receive payment of their commission or fees i.e. settlement has occurred or the service has been performed or the commission relates to a transaction which is prescribed in section 61(4a) of the REBA Act..
Remuneration of agent
Section 61 of the REBA Act and section 43 of the SA Act

Check fees charged are in accordance with the fees agreed between the principal and the agent.

Check only the actual costs are recouped for postage and petty expenses such as telephone
calls, faxes and GST.
Support for expenses  

Check that documentation is maintained on the client’s file for any fees charged (e.g. rates and taxes, title searches, faxes and phone calls).

Valid appointment to act

Section 60 of the REBA Act and section 43 of the SA Act


The agent has a valid appointment to act in writing signed by the person for whom the services are being provided (sub section 60 (1) and (2) of the REBA Act and sub section 43 (1) and (2) of the SA Act).


The appointment clearly identifies the property, e.g. address of property, title  details (section 60(2)(a)(ii)of the REBA Act and section 43(2)(a) of the SA Act).


A true copy of the appointment to act has been given to the signatory (section 60(2)(c) of the REBA Act and section 43(2)(c) of the SA Act).


The appointment must include a statement explaining commission charges are not pursuant to any scales fixed by law and are to be agreed upon between  the  parties.     This  statement  must  be placed immediately before any statement outlining any agreed commission charges (regulation 6BA(2) of the REBA Regulations).


Where the agreed commission or reward to be paid to the agent is expressed in percentage terms, the basis on which the percentage is calculated is set out  clearly  e.g.  3  per  cent  or  $3,000  (regulation 6BA(1)(a) of the REBA Regulations).


Where the calculation of remuneration depends on the use of certain services (e.g. property management services), the appointment to act shall provide a full explanation of the nature of the services provided e.g. gross rent, gross collections, letting fee for those services (regulation 6BA(1)(c) of the REBA Regulations).


Where the agreed commission, reward or other valuable consideration in a sale transaction is expressed in hourly, weekly or periodic rates, the maximum sum payable is also expressed as a monetary   amount   e.g.   $500   per   week   to   a maximum of $3,000 (regulation 6BA(1)(b)(ii) of the REBA Regulations).


Where any expenses are to be recovered by the agent, they must specify the nature of those expenses and clearly set out the method by which those   expenses   will   be   calculated.   (regulation 6BA(1)(d) of the REBA Regulations)

  The appointment to act must contain a statement in plain language to the effect that the principal may seek assistance from the Commissioner for Consumer Protection if he/she has a dispute with the agent in relation to fees (regulation 6BA(3) of the REBA Regulations).

Valid appointment to act

Section 60 of the REBA Act and section 43 of the SA Act

The appointment to act is signed, states the agent’s commission, reward or valuable consideration for a service and this must be initialled on the agreement by the principal (vendor/landlord) (rule 19 of the REBA Code).  Any expense which the agent has incurred in respect of advertising, sign boards, printed material and promotions must be stated in the appointment to act specified as a maximum amount which the agent may seek as reimbursement; and initialled by the vendor/landlord (rule 20 of the REBA Code).

Security of documents

Ensure the agent maintains adequate security over documents and data. (How secure are the agent’s records from fire, theft, etc.? Does the agent do regular  computer  back-ups  and  where  are  the back-ups kept?)

Verification of identity of property owners – agents due diligence obligations

Rule  25  of  REBA Code

Conduct a sample check to ensure agents fulfil their due diligence obligations. Has the agent made all reasonable efforts to verify the identity of the person who claims to be, or act for the person selling the real estate (i.e. has the seller been verified as the lawful owner of the property or as having the legal authority to deal with the property on behalf of the lawful owner)? If the agent has become aware of any fact material to a transaction has the agent promptly communicated that fact to any person who may be affected by it?

5.2 Part two - Trust Accounting

Part two - trust accounting
Item Checked Checks to be conducted
All trust accounts audited   Obtain independent confirmation from the agent’s financial institution by way of a bank confirmation letter for all trust accounts, negotiable or bearer securities and deposit receipts held by the agent at any time during the audit period.
  All trust accounts, including separate interest bearing trust accounts for clients, need to be examined.
Title of trust account     trust accounts are titled in accordance with the Act and the Regulations.
  Check any separate interest bearing trust accounts are titled in accordance with the Act and Regulations and meet the criteria prescribed to open the account.
Receipt journals and payment journals   Check all receipts and payments are posted to the journals. 
  Check appropriate details are recorded and correct. 
  Check all receipts and payments are posted to the receipts and payments journals as soon as practicable.
Transfer journal    Check backdated entries. 
   Check transfers between the principal’s ledger accounts. 
   Check journals have proper narrations.
Agent’s records of money held by the Bond Administrator or financial institution Ensure the agent’s records of money held by the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety’s Bond Administrator are correct. A schedule can be obtained from the Bond Administrator to check the agent’s records.
Suspense accounts and buffer funds   Request from financial institutions records of all trust accounts identified as suspense and/or buffer. 
   Examine all trust accounts and ledger accounts identified as suspense and/or buffer. 
   Check that Department of Treasury is notified of all unclaimed moneys by 31 January each year. 
   Check that agent has made all inquiries and efforts to identify the purposes of all deposits within their trust accounts. If the funds cannot be identified, the agent has notified the Department of Treasury accordingly.
Housekeeping   Check outstanding credit balances in the principal’s accounts are followed-up. 
   Check unpresented cheques have been followed-up on a regular basis. Make sure unpresented cheque holders have been contacted and reminded to deposit their cheque at the end of each month. Any lost cheques should be cancelled and reissued. 
   Check that agents notify the Department within 5 business days of opening or closing a general trust account. 
   Check that all trust account receipts are titled in accordance with regulation 6G of the REBA Regulations and regulation 6E of the SA Regulations. 
   Check that the computer accounting software used by the agent complies with the Acts and Regulations. 
   Check the internal controls and procedures of the agent to ensure that they comply with the Acts and Regulations, including adequate supervision of the agency and its employees by the person in bona fide control, proper separation of duties relating to trust account transactions and the maintenance of records relating to trust account transactions.
Banking / trust deposit forms   Check receipts are banked by the next working day. 
   Check money received is banked in the same form as it is received (e.g. that cash is not substituted by a cheque). 
   Check daily receipts reconcile to the daily banking deposit. 
   Check daily banking to the bank statement.
Accounting controls   Check the licensee or the person in bona fide control of the agency understands the accounting systems and the controls in place.
Trust ledger accounts   Check that separate ledgers are maintained for each owner. 
   Check all ledger accounts with unusual transaction patterns. 
   Check ledger accounts for debit balances and obtain an explanation and report to Consumer Protection. 
   Check transactions are posted in chronological order. 
   Check payments made to the agent that do not relate to commission. 
   Review the trust account ledgers for all trust accounts that have remained dormant during the audit period.
Trust receipts   Check receipt details include the name of the holder of the triennial certificate and any business name of that holder as recorded by ASIC. 
   Check receipts are banked by the next working day. 
   Check receipts to the bank deposit book/record. 
   Check receipts are entered in the books of account by the next working day. 
   Check receipts to the general ledger and principal’s ledger. 
   Check the sequence of receipt numbers issued. Sight any cancelled receipts. 
   Check for backdated or post-dated receipts and any alterations. 
   Check for adequate narrations on receipts to identify the payment. 
   Ensure the agent maintains adequate control over receipts and the issuing of receipts, e.g. the use of a register of trust account receipt forms. (What controls are there over the issue of receipts? Who issues receipts and are they stored securely?) 
   Check for unusual deposits/receipts. 
   If an interim receipt is issued, verify that an official receipt is subsequently issued.
Cheques or payments   Verify cheque particulars include the same title details as the trust account. 
   Verify cheques are entered in the books of account by the next working day. 
   Check disbursements entered into the principal’s trust ledger account to the bank account in the trust ledger. 
   Verify sufficient funds were in the principal’s trust ledger account to meet the payment when cheques were drawn. 
   Check disbursements to the principal’s ledger and general ledger. 
   Verify cheque details against the bank statement. 
   Check that signatories to the electronic funds transfers and cheques are current and authorised individuals within an agency. 
   Ensure the agent maintains adequate control over cheques. What controls are there over the issue of cheques? Who issues cheques and are the cheques stored securely? 
   Check the person in bona fide control signs all cheques or alternatively, there are adequate internal controls in place. 
   Check there is appropriate supporting documentation for the issue of the cheque. 
   Check the sequence of cheque numbers issued. Sight any cancelled cheques. 
   Ensure cheques recorded on the principal’s files are issued for the same amount. 
   Check payee on duplicate cheque or computer records against the principal’s files. 
   Check for unusual payment types. 
   Check payment where narration is inadequate. 
   Check post-dated and backdated cheques. 
   Check for alterations made to cheques. 
   Verify unpresented cheques. Outstanding cheques should not be older than 12 months. Where this occurs, follow-up action should be taken by the agent. See the ‘Housekeeping’ checklist item above for more information.
Reconciliations   Check the trust account is reconciled on a monthly basis to the last business day of the month. It is Consumer Protection policy that reconciliations are performed within ten working days after the end of the month. The reconciliation must include the bank account, cash book, and trust ledger accounts. 
   Check the person in bona fide control verifies and signs the monthly trust account reconciliation. 
   Check if a ‘Confirmation Letter’ is required. A ‘Confirmation Letter’ is not required if the auditor has sighted the original bank statement for the end of the year and the reported balance of the trust account is in order. The auditor must ensure all trust accounts are included in the audit report provided to Consumer Protection. This includes trust accounts that have been closed during the year.
  Check outstanding balances on the principal’s trust ledgers. (Follow-up action should be taken by the agent.) 
   Check adjustments are not continuously carried forward in reconciliations. (This indicates a problem in the trust account. If there is a shortfall there may have been a defalcation or if there is an outstanding surplus this can lead to a future defalcation.) 
   Check any adjusting entries or balancing items. 
   Check that large and unusual reconciling items have been followed-up appropriately. 
   Check bank statements for continuity, for unusual entries, and whether they show a debit balance at any time during the year. 
   Verify cheques issued to the bank statement. 
   Check direct debits and credits. 
   Check for consistency in the bank statement balance. 
   Check for consistency in total receipts received during the month. 
   Check the financial institution has not credited interest to the trust account or to the agent’s general account. 
   Check bank or government charges have not been debited from the trust account.

5.3 Questions to be completed before the audit report is submitted

Any incomplete or inaccurate reports may be returned to the auditor, causing delays in lodgement. Please ensure each of the following items is checked before the audit report is submitted.

  1. Is the audit year correct and identical on all documents?
  2. Is the licensed agent’s name correct?
  3. Is the licensed agent’s name identical on all documents?
  4. Is the trading name correct?
  5. Is the business address correct?
  6. Has the business moved in the previous year?
  7. Is the number on the triennial certificate correct?
  8. Is the licence continuous and the triennial certificate current?
  9. Are the details of the person in bona fide control correct?
  10. Are the details of all staff correct?
  11. Are the declarations in the correct format?
  12. Are attached declarations correctly witnessed?
  13. Has a copy of the management letter been attached?
  14. If the agency has lodged audit reports previously, is the auditor the same auditor who previously lodged the prior year audit?
  15. If the agency has changed its auditor, has the Change of Auditor Request form been completed by the agent, the former auditor and the new auditor, and has been approved by the Commissioner?

6 Frequently Asked Questions

These are some common questions asked by auditors of trust accounts.

7 Appendix A: Format of Audit Reports

8 Appendix B: Sample letters and forms

9 Appendix C: References

10 Glossary

Enquiries about auditing trust accounts:

  • Email
  • Phone: 08 6552 9538

The agent can also ensure any expenses incurred are recouped.  The balance outstanding on the file summary should reconcile to the amount held in trust for the principal.