16 December 2014
The amendments to the LV Act, which came into force on 19 November 2014, mean that notices of land valuer licence applications are no longer required to be published.
These amendments will save applicants both time and money. While the purpose of publishing a notice was to give the public an opportunity to object to the grant of a licence, past experience shows that the response rate from the public to newspaper notices was extremely low with only five recorded objections in the past 10 years across all licensing Acts administered by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection and no application was refused on the basis of these objections.
The amended LV Act also provides for the re-issue of a duplicate licence when the original licence is lost or destroyed (for a prescribed fee). The requirement for a list of licensees to be published annually in the Government Gazette has also been removed.
For enquiries about the licensing process for land valuers please call 1300 30 40 64 or email.