Managing my association's details: AssociationsOnline help guide 3
Last updated: 15 February 2018
The guide helps AssociationsOnline users manage associations they are linked to, lodge applications and read notifications.
From the home screen, select "Add an existing association" or "Add a new association" button.
Use the Search box to find the association you wish to be linked to either by the:
name of the association; or
incorporated association’s registration number (IARN).
Select your role with the association (for example, primary or authorised user).
Declare you are authorised by the association’s committee to enrol as a user. If you are unsure we urge you to contact the committee to clarify before signing this declaration.
Click the "Go" button to submit your changes.
AssociationsOnline Add existing assoc, by AssociationsOnline
From the home screen, click on "Manage my account" button. It will show your account profile with a list of associations you are linked to.
Click on the "Update" button next to the association name.
You can update the association’s contact details. The following information is mandatory, the association’s:
street address (number, name, town/suburb, postcode, state and country)
there is an option to include an address for service of notices. You can select the tick box “same as contact address” or fill out the address details for the alternative address.
You can also select the information added in this screen to be applied to all associations you are the linked to by selecting the tick box at the bottom of the screen.
Click the ‘Update’ button at the bottom right of the screen to save your changes.
AssociationsOnline update assoc, by AssociationsOnline
Click on Lodge applications button (or you can access this information via manage my account dashboard) . From the options on this page you will be able to access the pages where you can:
View and lodge applications for associations that you are linked to.
Manage user details and roles for each association
Click the ‘Go’ button to go to your selected action.
From the home screen, click on the "Notifications" button.
You will receive notifications through the system for actions to be performed by you or the association.
Click on the ‘Notifications’ button to be taken to the screen displaying the notifications.
Click on the notification link to see the full text of the notification you received.
Your notifications will have the word READ before the title once you have viewed it.
To delete the notification click on the X on the right hand side of the screen.
AssociationsOnline notifications, by AssociationsOnline