2 August 2022
Report on retirement villages consultation published - what you told us / what we learnt
Over the past couple of years the retirement village laws in Western Australia (WA) have been extensively reviewed.
A Decision Regulatory Impact Statement (DRIS) has now been published recommending amendments to the Retirement Villages Act 1997 (WA). The DRIS addresses five overarching categories for reform:
information disclosure
exit entitlements
life in the village
village land
village changes.
Three reports are now publicly available to support reform of the retirement village laws in WA:
DRIS full report – provides a full analysis of reform options and makes recommendations for change
DRIS summary – provides a condensed version of the feedback received and the key recommendations
West Australian Treasury Corporation report – analyses the financial impact on retirement village operators of proposed reforms to the retirement village laws.
A bill containing the proposed amendments to the RV laws will be prepared for introduction into Parliament. Further targeted consultation will occur during this process.
Any future opportunities for feedback will be publicised via this newsletter group.