Survey from Energy Policy WA - Retirement villages bulletin issue 21

Last updated: 29 November 2022

8 November 2022

Energy Policy WA survey

Energy Policy WA is conducting a survey among embedded networks stakeholders to better understand their experiences and inform policy.

Embedded networks are private electricity networks that are commonly found in apartment and office buildings, shopping centres, retirement villages and long-stay parks.

Customers who buy electricity through embedded networks don’t have the same rights to important customer protections as other electricity customers.

Energy Policy WA is looking to hear about the experiences of:

  • Customers who buy electricity from an on-seller in an embedded network
  • Owners of a property in an embedded network
  • Embedded networks operators
  • Embedded network service providers

The survey takes 5 to 10 minutes and is available until 2 December 2022.

Spread the word and help us improve customer protections in embedded networks!

Find out more: