When using a ladder make safety matter

Last updated: 13 September 2016

It could have been fatal when Mick, a retired tradesperson, fell from a DIY structure he made with two ladders. He fractured his ribs and vertebrae. His head had swollen ‘like a bowling ball’ from the fall.

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor told Mick ‘You don’t know how lucky you are.’

More than a year after the accident, Mick still can’t do the things he used to do. He has trouble lifting items and still suffers pain.

Stop and think before you use a ladder.

In one year in Australia, 1668 people aged 65 years and over were hospitalised because they fell from a ladder.*

Sixty-two per cent of the injuries occurred in or around their home.*

When using a ladder:

  • choose the right ladder for the job
  • don’t work in wet or windy conditions
  • take time to set up your ladder
  • work safely up the ladder
  • have another person hold the ladder
  • know your limits and work to your ability

Watch Mick and other people talk about the impact of their falls and recovery.

* Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2011–12

When using a ladder make safety matter

  • place ladder on a firm, flat surface
  • lock spreaders
  • keep body centred between side rails
  • do not over-reach
  • do not stand above second step from top
  • wear slip-resistant shoes.