Seniors housing resources and contacts

Last updated: 21 November 2024

Before you make any major decision about your housing options, please research your options thoroughly. It is a good idea to review the laws relating to your accommodation choice and to get independent advice.


Before making any major decision, it is a good idea to get legal and financial advice.

Depending on the issue you need advice on and your income and assets, it is possible you will not be able to get free legal assistance and you will have to pay a private lawyer.

Type of enquiry Who to contact
Title searches Landgate (08) 9273 7373 or 1300 365 288 (country)
Building Building & Energy 1300 489 099
Subdivisions Western Australian Planning Commission (08) 6551 9000
Retirement villages

Retirement Living Council 
Aged and Community Services Western Australia
(08) 9244 8233 or 1800 672 500
Western Australian Retirement Complexes Residents Association Inc 0488 812 888

Renting Commonwealth Rent Assistance Centrelink 13 2300
Help with staying at home Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre 1800 052 222
Department of Veterans' Affairs 13 32 54
Independent Living Centre of Western Australia 1300 885 886
Aged care My Aged Care 1800 200 422
Concessions and rebates Seniors Card Hotline (08) 6551 8800 or 1800 671 233
Budgets and debts National Debt Helpline 1800 007 007
Financial information Centrelink Financial Information Service 13 2300
Reverse mortgages ASIC's Money Smart
Pension Loans Scheme Centrelink 13 2300
Department of Veterans' Affairs13 3254
Family agreements Older People’s Rights Service (08) 9440 1663
Legal information and advice Legal Aid 1300 650 579
Finding a private lawyer Law Society of Western Australia (08) 9324 8600