What Consumer Protection does

Last updated: 27 March 2025

Consumer Protection provides advice and information for Western Australian consumers, businesses, landlords and tenants.  

Consumer Protection's Year in Review reports

The “Year in Review" reports offer a comprehensive overview of our activities and achievements in the financial year.

Consumer Protection is committed to educating the public, resolving disputes, and enforcing consumer laws. These reports highlight our key accomplishments and statistics from the year.


“Consumer Protection has had another busy year with plenty of emerging scams, dodgy traders and unlicensed operators to deal with. But there has been celebration too with legislation passing through Parliament and a major milestone for the Consumer Protection Awards.” - Commissioner for Consumer Protection Trish Blake.

Previous reports

How we can help

The information on this website can help you with answer a question about:

We may have to refer you to the agencies below for the following issues:

The Consumer Protection supporting fair and safe trading in WA guide has more contact details of other agencies who can assist if you are in a dispute with a business.

Consumer Protection laws

The Parliamentary Counsel's Office publishes all Western Australian legislation.  You can seach and download Acts and Regulations in PDF or Word format. 

You can download a document with a list of Acts by administering portfolios.  Consumer Protection legislation is in the Minister for Commerce's portfolio. 

Consumer Protection policies

Consumer Protection has a number of policies which articulate the principles that underpin our work. These policies guide our approach to promoting fair trading and consumer protection, whether we are providing information and advice, helping consumers resolve disputes or investigating complaints. While the policies are most relevant to the officers working in Consumer Protection, they are also made available to the public.

In addition to its own policies, Consumer Protection is bound by the Western Australian Public Sector Code of Ethics and Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety's Code of Conduct.

Need advice?

For individual advice you can contact us.
