Changing a bond (Bond variation)

Last updated: 19 November 2024

A security bond may need to be changed when there is a change in:

  • Rent - rent increase may also mean the tenant has to top up the bond
  • Property ownership
  • Managing agent
  • Tenants in a shared house

On this page:

  • Bond top up
  • Change of owner or agent
  • Change of tenant in a share house.

Bond top-up

A bond may need to be topped up when there is a:

  • Rent increase.
  • Tenant(s) moves out and other tenant(s) stay.

The bond top-up amount must only cover the total bond equalling up to four weeks rent.  The landlord will need to follow the process for lodging a bond.

Change of owner or agent

A paper based form will need to be completed if there is a change in the:

  • Home owner and/or
  • Property manager - property agent or self-managing landlord

The form must be completed with the details of both the former and new owner and/or agent. It is important the:

  • former owner(s) or agent(s) must sign the former owner/real estate agent section.
  • new owner(s) or agent(s) sign the form and provide their details

Tenants do not need to sign the variation form if the change is only in relation to the owner or agent changing.

Bonds Administration will notify the tenant(s) and sent a new bond certificate.

Changes of tenant(s) in shared tenancies

There are two options for managing a change of tenant in a shared tenancy.

Release the bond and lodge a new one

The entire bond must be paid out by completing the bond disposal form.

The leaving tenant(s) are paid their share of the bond. The remaining tenant(s) is added to the ‘transfer to new lodgement’ section of the form.

A lodgement form must also be submitted with the:

  • New tenant(s) details or
  • Bond top up covered by remaining tenant(s)

Change (vary) the bond

One tenant must be staying at the property. The bond money must be managed between the tenants themselves. The incoming tenant can pay the leaving tenant directly. Bonds Administration does not release any money.

The landlord will need to complete a variation form with the new and leaving tenants.

The leaving tenant(s) should not sign or electronically approve the variation form until they have received their share of the bond money.

When a tenant has died

The bond can be changed to remove a deceased tenant from a bond.

If the deceased tenant did not have a will, the landlord will need to complete a variation form and provide a copy of the death certificate.

If the deceased tenant had a will, the estate of the deceased tenant is entitled to their part of the bond.

When a person cannot be contacted

Please see Releasing or claiming a bond for more information. 

Decreasing a bond

There is no obligation on the landlord to agree to partially refund the bond during a tenancy when: 

  • there has been a reduction in the weekly rent
  • a pet bond was paid and the pet no longer lives at the home.  

The bond disposal form will need to be completed to release part of a bond. The partial payment can only be released to the tenant(s).


Real estate agents, property managers and private landlords registered to use BondsOnline can use it to:

  • add tenants
  • remove tenants
  • change the bond amounts

Real estate agents can also use BondsOnline to transfer a bond:

  • from one agent to another
  • when ownership changes and the agent continues to manage the tenancy.

For information on how to request access to BondsOnline see Bonds forms page.

Private landlords

Landlords can use BondsOnline or a paper-based form.

Bonds paper forms

Submitting the bond lodgement

Details on how to submit your paper bonds form is available on Bonds form page.

When a change has been submitted

When a variation has been processed, Bonds Administration will send a new bond certificate to the tenant(s) and landlord(s).